
13 November 2007

please pray for my brother

My brother, Daniel, is having some health issues. It all actually started over a year ago when he noticed he was losing some of his vision. After going through a gamut of tests and being on blood thinner meds for a while, it was determined that he must have had a stroke in his eye. The doctors didn't seem to know why, and he hadn't lost anymore eyesight, so he was finally down to just taking an aspirin a day. A few days ago he noticed more vision loss. He went to the hospital where tests were again executed. This time they found the dissection has grown and reaches up toward his brain. They are doing a CT scan to see how far up it goes, then they will do surgery and I think put a stent in his coratid artery....Daniel, if I'm messing any of this up please feel free to correct me....Right now they are waiting for the CT scan. Please just pray that this will be able to be fixed w/o any more problems and for Daniel and his family as they go through this experience.


  1. Susan,
    Thanks for letting us know about Daniel. We will definitely be praying for him, Kate and your whole family. I can't imagine how stressful this must be for everyone.
    Give our love to all.
    Hugs and prayers,
    Renee for all here
    ps--thanks to your mom for the note on Alexis's hospital website. :) It was very sweet of her.

  2. We are praying, so sorry they are going through this.
