
31 July 2008

new family member


We adopted Butter last Saturday from a family that was moving and couldn't take her with them. She is a Boxer mix. I think she might have some Retriever in her. She is so sweet, so good-natured, and so eager to please. She already knew how to sit, and we have now taught her to lay. We are working on roll over but that one is having a hard time sticking.

She loves to give hugs.

Her and Yahtzee weren't too sure of each other at first.

But they are quickly becoming friends.

This is one of her favorite toys. It's a stuffed bunny with both ears and legs torn off. She loves to chew on it and carry it around everywhere.

We try to take her on two walks a day. In the morning I take her out for about 15 minutes and then after dinner we take her for a good half hour. If we don't get the long walk in, she is a little antsy. When we do get the walk in, she usually looks like this.

Since Josh and I both work full time we didn't want to leave Butter in her kennel all day, but didn't want her to roam free in the house either. So, we gave her one of the upstairs bedrooms. I threw a sheet over this futon and I think it's a winner. When I came home yesterday she didn't even hear me come in the room b/c she was sound asleep!

Who would have thought a dog could be so much fun. They are a lot of work, but I think worth it. Especially if you are lucky enough to get one as sweet as our Butter!! =)


  1. Dogs are fun and alot of company! I love my Sammy : )

  2. what color are the dogs eyes? they look white almost. Haunting!!

  3. Yay for Butter! So very exciting for y'all! :-)

  4. Yippeeeee!! I love when people get good dogs and share the joy that I get from mine!! Hahahah! I seriously LOVE my dogs. Brandon even does LOTS! It is so crazy! Love the eyes!

  5. She is so adorable! Probably the prettiest boxer I've ever seen!
