
09 January 2009

thanksgiving 08 - yes i know it's january

So I'm a little late with this post, but if you are one of my wonderful friends on Facebook than you may have already seen these photos anyway. For Thanksgiving Josh and I went to my parents home in west central PA. It was a good time of eating, sitting, laying around, laughing, eating, playing games, eating, and oh yeah, eating. It was really great. I love being able to just sit in a room and watching everyone around me having fun just being together. Call me crazy, but that's what we quiet people like to do. You should see me and my dad together in the same room. Drives those "speak to thinkers" crazy. =) If you have no idea what I'm talking about, that's ok. I'll move on. Here's some pics from our time together...

Elijah being pulled up the hill by Papa...too cute!

Some random shots of my Mom and Dad's house that they are renovating...

Daniel cutting the turkey, and our dinner table on Thanksgiving Day. Robbie and his family came over the next day and if I had my brain on I would have taken a pic then too. However, my pregnancy brain didn't think of it. Yes, I am blaming it on that. Cuz I can.

Madeyln and Elijah. Two of the cutest cuties. Elijah wasn't too thrilled about something, and it was more important than smiling at the camera I shoved in his face. Cute, just the same!

The next three pictures, depending on who you are, either speak for themselves, or will really confuse you...

Again, same explanation...

Robbie's horse, Sarge, no doubt smelling the good food and hearing the infectious laughter and wanted to be part of the family.

We had a little "make Daisy onesies" party. My mom pulled out a bunch of white onesies one night and fabric markers and we all decorated them. We had a great time and everyone was so creative!!!

My mom had a baby shower for me while we were there. I was shocked by how many people came out and showed their support! It was so great. Here's a picture my mom had on display of little Daisy, and also her crib full of things that people so graciously gave to us for her!

The men, of course, disappeared for the shower...but they came back. =)

Kimberly Anne

I took this b/c I thought Madelyn looked so tiny in the chair.

1 comment:

  1. These were such fun pictures to look at! I KNOW now why our families like each other so much, ok I knew that already but anyway...Love you so much & thanks for sharing!
