
09 April 2009

40 weeks

Here we are at 40 weeks! I've started doing a few things here and there to try to encourage Daisy to enter the world. Physically, I feel fine. Really the main reason I want her to come now is because my mom is here waiting for her, and my dad will be taking a week off of work next week to come down and see her...and she's not here yet! I just don't want my dad to have to go back home to work without seeing her! That would be a bummer. We are more than ready for her entrance! We finished our birth classes, I've quit my job - hallelujah! Things are about as ready as they're going to be.

I went and met with a pediatrician today and am pretty excited b/c I really like her. This afternoon I have another midwife appointment so hopefully there will be news to report...the way I'm feeling though, I'm not expecting much.

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