
07 July 2009

daisy's letter

Since Daisy was born I would lay down in bed exhausted and think to myself, "shoot, I forgot to write down stuff about Daisy". I always had really good intentions of keeping a diary, but never the recall to follow through on it. Then I realized for as much time as I spend on the computer, I could be writing this stuff down. Thus the idea for "a letter to my sweet girl" was born. I know, no one else has thought of doing that, right? Well, I never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the box. =) So anyway, I've been writing this letter for several days now, and just tonight I finally found the blogger template that is just so perfect. I don't know why, it just fits and seems to capture the feeling I want for the blog. It's simple, clean, natural. I just love it. You can see it here. Then feel free to comment on this post about how much you love it. ;)

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