
31 March 2010

walgreens and a bangin toys r us deal!

Last week I waited until the end of the week to do my Walgreens and CVS shopping and found that everyone had been there before me and left me nothing! The nerve! So I thought, I'll try going the middle of the week this time....again I was beat out. I decided I just need to get to these stores asap in the week after the deals come out. Hopefully Monday night is soon enough b/c that's the soonest I can get there since we only have one car. So that is my plan next week. We'll see if I can pull it together in time. So I did miss out on a bit, but I was able to snag a couple things. I went and retrieved my free Olay in shower my total here, not including the lotion, came to $14..something (don't have the receipt right here). What did I pay? .23 cents!

Now this was a fun one! Toys R Us! They were having a few different sales and promos here. First, there's a $2 - $3 mail in rebate per game from Hasbro Games. Toys R Us had select games marked down to almost 50% off. For every $20 in Hasbro Games you buy you get a $5 gift card. If you bought any Elefun & Friends games you got a free plush toy, and also, for today only they were doing a buy one, get one free on the My Little Pony sets. Before my coupons, my booty totaled a whopping $45.95! The total amount I will have paid after the rebate and gift cards is....wait for it.....$4.50! Nutso, ain't it? I love it! These will make some great gifts!

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