
28 January 2011

title goes here

Blog? I have a blog? Oh yeah, somewhere in between all the packing, moving, unpacking, mothering, being pregnant, couponing, having a baby, trying to stay sane while adjusting to two kids, one a needy newborn and one a busy toddler....I've sort of lost track of my blog. And to all two of you who read it, I am truly, very sorry. I know that you probably went through great withdrawal and possibly even sought some counseling to get you through. But never fear! I am back, at least for this post. I do not promise consistency. That is a battle I lose to myself way more often than I care to admit.

So how does one write a blog entry to try to encapsulate the past nine months? I like bullets, myself. So here's a run-down:

*The Husband was out of work in PA
*My second nephew graduated high school (I'm freaking old)
*The Husband got a job in Kansas
*Moved from our home in Lititz to an apartment in KS
*Many tears were shed as we said goodbye to east coast family
*Many smiles were shared as we said hello to midwest family
*Spent the summer unpacking, hanging with family, and swimming with Daisy in the pool
*Took Daisy trick or treating for the first time with her little second cousin, Isaac
*Daisy and I flew to PA to spend Thanksgiving with my family. The Husband had to work
*Missed out on Black Friday shopping - again.
*Experienced our first Christmas at home with our own little family
*My parents joined us for Christmas
*My son was born
*I turned a year older
*The Husband and I are getting serious about getting out of debt with Dave Ramsey's plan
*From this point forward The Husband will now be referred to as JP. I don't ever call him that.

And there you have it. The last nine months of my life in bullets. Now see what you were missing? Can't wait for another post, can you? You aren't even done reading this one and you are begging for more. I know, I'm a literary genius, really. The truth of the matter is, I get very little sleep these days so the fact that I'm attempting to even start this thing back up is, well, nothing short of miraculous. More later. Promise. ;)

1 comment:

  1. You are a very creative writer...I will definately follow your blog :)
