
29 April 2011

coupon break

I've taken a bit of a hiatus from couponing the last couple weeks. I find that I have to do this once in a while so that I don't go crazy. Couponing takes some time and occasionally it also takes a lot of energy. So I've found that it's good once in a while to just take a week or two and forbid myself to even look at my couponing blogs. That way after my break I am renewed and refreshed and ready to go at it again! I still buy my 3 papers at the Dollar Tree every week so that I don't miss out on getting the coupons. So I am easing back into things after my short break. This is what I bought at Price Chopper this morning:

Please forgive me this haphazard stack of food! I usually try to make it neat but this time I was in a bit of a hurry so I just kind of threw it on the counter. Here's the run down...

Bar S Jumbo Franks $.99/pack (I usually get better deals than this, but this was a pretty good price and we are down to our last pack so I just got a couple)
Ground Beef $1.99/lb
McCormick Taco Seasoning FREE
Bird's Eye Veggies $.46/bag
4 ears of corn $.25 each (SO ecstatic that corn on the cob season is here ~ who's with me?)
Bananas $.38/lb.

Total spent: $20.19 plus tax
Total saved: $26.41
A savings of 57%


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