
03 July 2011

bags galore

This was one of those projects that I've had on my list for a long time. I had gotten to the point where the plastic bags were taking over my pantry. On a side note, my pantry is a laundry room/canned food storage/cat box room. It's a little cramped around here so I don't have the luxury of sitting idly by while the plastic bags we save slowly engulf our apartment. JP thinks we have too many. I think we just needed a solution, so here it is!

It's funny I put it off for so long because this really didn't take long at all. It did take me a couple days, but that's in the midst of the million and one things to do in taking care of a 2 year old and a 6 month old. I'm betting it would have taken no more than 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time. I followed these instructions. I really liked how it turned out! Although I think mine ended up being a bit larger than hers. Honestly, it looks kind of massive. I guess I was a bit generous when cutting out my fabric strips. However, upon stuffing it I found that I really needed it to be large!

It was very easy! What's even cooler is I found all the fabric at JoAnn's in their remnant section! They constantly have these left over pieces of fabric at 50% off...and if that same fabric is on sale on a bolt on the floor, then you get that percentage off too. It's awesome! So that made the cost of making this one bag holder mere cents on the dollar! I have enough to make a few more as well. I'm thinking....presents! Yes, I think some women in my life need these.


  1. I love it! Mine is so plain that I hang it inside my tiny pantry! I had never seen one like yours. You certainly are crafty & great at it!
