
16 July 2011

goodwill find {plus a cute video}

I am most definitely not picky when it comes to the stores I shop at. I have my favorites, of course, but when it comes to one of us needing something, the first store we try is Salvation Army. If they don't have what we need we'll try Goodwill. If we still strike out after that we will hit up WalMart or Target. I'm all about the price and if I can find something at the thrift store that is still in good condition, I am all about it! Here is my latest find: couch pillows! The big ones, not the smaller ones. We've had those for forever.

$.99 a pillow? Yes, please.

Daisy has been REALLY into the Itsy Bitsy Spider lately, and it's the first song that she will sing and do the motions for all by herself. We have to sing it every night at bedtime...experiencing some problems posting the video...bear with me...okay...fixed!

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