
04 October 2011

i {heart} pinterest

Do you know about Pinterest?  You need to.  Seriously.  Here and there I kept hearing about it.  One day I finally checked it out.  Then I promptly "exed" out of it because I knew.  I knew if I let myself in there for too long that I would be sucked in and have yet another thing to somehow schedule into my daily routine.  I didn't know much about it, I just knew I would like it.  Then one day I decided my curiosity outweighed my fear.  A couple clicks later I was a helpless pinner.  It's just such a cool way to put all the ideas I find into one place.  I love it.  I recently started a board called, "pinterest ideas i done did".  Whenever I do a project from an idea I got on pinterest, it's going to go here.  So far I've got 283 pins and I've accomplished....TWO.  But that's okay.  At least I got a start.  :)  Here's the first one I did:
original idea source
The little people helped me make these really cool cards for the g-parents for g-parents day.  Well, the bigger little person helped. The smaller little person just kind of shoved whatever paper he could reach into his mouth at quite an alarming rate.  

Such a neat little idea.  And the grandparents loved them, of course.  If I had been planning ahead I could have gotten some little pictures of them printed and put it in the middle of "this much".  But that would have required, like I said, "planning ahead".  Something that is and probably will always be a work in progress with me.

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