
11 August 2012

sibling photo fun

Look at that face.  Don't you just want to cuddle and snuggle and smooch it?  Meet the newest member of our family.  We had a great time workout doing a photo shoot with him and his two older siblings.  Seriously.  Those of you out there that are real photographers and work a lot with kids?  You must be in shape, and you must have the most patience of anyone in the world.  I was literally dripping with sweat when it was all over and I was just hoping I had gotten some good shots.  Unfortunately, a lot of them weren't that great, but I did get a few.  Thanks also to Pinterest for some great photo ideas!

This is the best one I got of all three of them.  It's blurry, but the others were even worse than this one.  I do love Jesse's expression, and my poor little newborn looks HUGE!  I mean, he is a big baby, but this picture doesn't help him any. 

This girl is completely in love with her new brother.  The best shots I got are of the two of them, I think.

I love how alert he is.  He was such a good baby and a good sport about being maneuvered into a million different positions.

This one might need to be framed...

Little (big!) feet in Grandad's hands.

I just want to cuddle him!  Maybe I should go wake him up right now!  No wait, coming back to senses.  That's stupid.

And the two brothers.  Jesse is only 19 months old, so getting a good shot of the two of them was pretty challenging.  This kissing shot was totally impromptu and on his own.  Afterwards I told him a million times to "kiss him again!"  "do it again!"  "again, jesse, kiss him!".......but I ended up liking this first one the best out of all the other ones I tried to force him into.

My girl's individual shot.

I like playing around with the different effects.  Makes me feel creative, even though all I'm doing is clicking a button.

My little "big" boy!

The pencil sketch is always pretty cool.

Love that wrinkly skin!

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