
27 February 2013

a small success is still a success

Another week at Dillons.  I ended up getting less in this trip than I intended, but what I did get was still really good!  Total before coupons: $25.19.  Total after coupons: $6.44.  I just decided that I would try to give up soda for 2 weeks so this is my last hoorah!  (I couldn't let a coupon for a free bottle of Pepsi go to waste, could I?)  The answer is no, no you cannot.  :)  

When you print internet coupons from various sites like or, etc, you are only allowed to print 2 coupons per computer.  If you remember my last Dillons trip I also had 2 boxes of Red Velvet cake mix.  After that trip, the .50 coupon reset!  Meaning you were allowed to print up to 2 more coupons!  Dillons was still running their deal of $1.25/box so with doubling my .50 coupon this got me 2 more boxes of cake mix for .25/box!  The Nesquick powder was free - actually it made me money - +.06.  The deodorant was .99/stick, and the wipes were .99/pack.  Not too shabby!

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