
10 September 2013

Grandparents Day: Hugging Hands

So for Grandparents Day this year I........comPLETEly forgot about it!!  Sheesh.  We had family visiting from the east coast plus trying to get ready to start school.  It just has been a crazy couple weeks and so the holiday just got pushed to the black hole that is my memory.

So today's post is a repeat if you've been reading for a while.  This is the project we did two years ago for Grandparents Day.  It was an idea I found on Pinterest.  Oh, Pinterest, how I love thee...

This project needs very little explanation, and that is a beautiful thing.  It is so easy and such a cute idea.  I know the grandparents in our family really enjoyed them!  

1. Trace your child's hand onto scrapbook paper.
2. Cut out two of them.
3. Cut out a 12" by 1" strip of scrapbook paper.
4. Fold like an accordion into 1" squares.
5. Use sticker letters to spell out "this much"
6. Glue the ends of the accordion paper to each hand, making sure to put the thumbs on the correct side. (If you have trouble with this, fold your hands in prayer in front of you, then open them like a book to see which way the hands should go.  I *might* know someone who had to do that.  Don't judge.)

So, if you're looking for a project for next year, pin this baby, and don't forget about it like I did!

1 comment:

  1. HINT....Grandparent would LOVE this even if it isn't "officially" Grandparents Day!! LOVE my set!!!
