
13 September 2013

Home School Mom

I never thought I would be a home school mom.  For several reasons.  For one thing, I have always considered myself a horrible teacher of anything and have a terrible time of explaining things.  But then I had kids and started thinking about it.  And now I am a home school mom.  At least for this year.  Who knows what next year or the year after that will bring.

The preschool curriculum we are using is God's Little Explorers.  And let me tell you.  I cannot say enough good things about this!  Stacie Nelson  from Motherhood on a Dime wrote this curriculum for her own daughters and did such an AMAZING job!  It is so hands on which is awesome for little ones and extremely versatile.  I am using it with my 4 year old and my 2 and a half year old.  Many of the activities can be catered to the ages of both my kids.  I just love it.

This box is going to be the kids' explorer's kit that they will keep all their little school supplies in.  I covered it beforehand and then they decorated it this week.  It is simply a diaper box with all but one of the long flaps cut off.  The second long flap I just taped to the first, still connected, long flap so that it opened more like a lid.

We have had a great first week and are looking forward to next week!  

Princess Daisy - Last year of Preschool
Superhero, er, King...uhh...this is Jesse - First year of Preschool

Looking forward to next week!  Here's to me actually being prepared before the night before we begin again!  Oh, to have it all together.  Maybe one day.  But probably not.

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