
24 September 2013

Pinterest Picks

I have stated many times the love affair I have with Pinterest.  I know I am not alone.  I know you all love it too, so we can revel in it together.  I thought today I could show you a few of the pins that grabbed me recently.

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I love this!  It's simple, yet eye catching and can be customized to any season!  Just switch out the candy corn for red and green m & ms....or miniature christmas balls.....or at Easter try out the pastel candy corn!  Love it.

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I love the colors in this quilt!  I don't quilt.  I have never even tried it.  It's one of those things that I wish I had time to get into.  Maybe one day.  For now I will just post pictures of quilts and pretend that I could make it if I really wanted to.

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I would love to do this for Christmas!  So simple yet very effective!

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Isn't this so cute?!  There's a few ideas in this one that would be fun to do with kids.

Somewhere between homeschooling and cake pops I want to try to do some of this stuff!  You know, with all my extra time.  ;)

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