
07 February 2014

Valentine's Day Countdown Hearts

Countdowns are always fun, and this Valentine's Day countdown is really sweet!

I've always enjoyed holidays, but since having kids, holidays have become magical and exciting!  I feel like I'm a kid again as I watch the smiles that light up their faces.  

I also love countdowns.  It's so much fun to add to the building anticipation of something fun!

We have this really cool advent calendar box that covers three holidays: Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  I totally dropped the ball on Thanksgiving and Christmas this past year.  I meant to do it, but just didn't get to it between all the other million things we were doing.

So when I came across this idea for a Valentine's Day countdown, I was determined to make one.  It took me almost a week to complete, but I did it!  Kierste's bunting is much prettier than mine, but I worked with the materials I had and my kids love it so I think it turned out fine.

Plus, it's easy, easy, easy!

The Supplies:
1. Scrapbook Paper
2. Tape runner or double sided tape
3. White copy paper
4. A heart shape
5. Pen
6. Red or pink marker
7. Yarn or string
8. Scissors (not pictured)

First use your heart shape to trace and cut out however many hearts you want on your bunting.

I cut 14 hearts, even though we were late starting the countdown.  This way I can save it for next year and we can start on the first of the month.

Once you have the big hearts cut out, you need a matching number of little hearts.  Remember that trick you learned in elementary school for cutting out hearts?  It works lovely for this project as well.  Just fold the paper, draw or trace half a heart on it, and cut it out.  Unfold and voila!  Perfect hearts every time.

I chose to do all the big hearts in solid colors and the little hearts in print.  You could do the opposite, or if you wanna get really crazy, mix it up and do a little of both.  

Once you've got all your hearts cut, tape the little hearts onto the big hearts.  Like so.  I know, this is pretty difficult.  Try to keep up.

On the back, cut out some squares from white copy paper and write out some different Valentine's Day activities.  Here are some of ours:

I had every intention of making these clothespins prettier.  I liked the mini clothespin idea, but I didn't have any and since my craft stash is taking over the basement I really like it when I can put together an entire project without buying any additional supplies.  So, my idea was to paint these pins red and pink, then paint the "xoxo" and "love" on them.  I also would have loved to have matching string to hang the hearts, but I literally only had one ball of blue yarn (no string).  I also didn't anticipate this project taking me almost an entire week to finish.  It was just one of those weeks with the kiddos.  My prime crafting hours are nap time and night time and when nap time doesn't go as planned, projects tend to take a little longer.  Comes with the Mommy job.  :)  

I do like how these turned out anyway.

My kids have been so excited by this simple little thing.  Every morning it's all I can do to hold them off of turning the next heart until after our school time.  Such fun!  

There's still a week until Valentine's Day if you want to make one too!  Hopefully it won't take you as long as it took me!  Happy Valentine's Day!

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