
07 April 2014

Crafting with Kids: Potato Cow

My daughter loves to make things.  If she can see it in her head, she will attempt to make it.  Thats why, when I was at a consignment sale this past weekend and found this book, the question was not whether or not to buy it, but whether or not to give it to her now, or wait until her birthday next weekend.  I mean, the title of the book is Make It Yourself, which really could be her middle name.  I couldn't resist.  I knew she would love it and we are done buying for her birthday, so I went ahead and gave it to her.  She goes to sleep looking at it, and she wakes up asking me if we can do one of the crafts in it that day.  

We finally did our first one today: make a cow out of two potatoes.  

Materials Used:
1. White and black or brown craft paint
2. Two paint cups
3. paintbrush
4. One large potato and one small potato
5. Toothpicks
6. String/Yarn
7. Scissors
8. Pipe cleaners

We also did a video tutorial, and she was such a little natural in it, that I just completely forgot to take pictures.  However, it's pretty self explanatory enough, and I did take a picture of the pages out of the book after all was said and done.

I will update this post with the video link when I have it.  I think it was a success!  She's already talking about how she's going to add to the herd with more potato cows.  

1 comment:

  1. Img I remember these from being a kid 😍😍
