05 October 2011

naked baby = fun photos

Here's another Pinterest idea.  You might seriously get tired of me talking about Pinterest.  I'm sorry.  Kind of.  :)  There are TONS of photo ideas on there.  I'm a very amateur photographer.  Like, not even sure I should call myself one, really.  I know next to nothing about taking pictures.  I know that natural light is best, that's about it.  Anyway, my baby turned 9 months old last week.  I find with my kids that any reason to have a photo shoot is a good one.  Some turn out good, some turn out bad.  Valentine's Day, for instance:

I take a LOT of pictures when I do a shoot with them.  The more pictures, the better.  This ensures me at least one or two shots that are presentable.  However, some days you just can't win.  See, I needed Pinterest back then so I could have a better idea than just plopping my poor Star Trek baby in a pillow beside his sister who can't seem to get far enough away from him.  I couldn't fix his collar?  Yeah.  It was one of those days.  I'm not even really sure why I thought it would be a good picture day.  What was I saying?  Oh yes, baby.  9 months old.  Pictures.  Idea on Pinterest.  Here is the original idea source.  And here are my pics from last week:
I LOVE the idea of a naked baby in nothing but a tie.  Especially my chub a lub.

I also love Picnik.  It lets me do fun things even though I don't know much anything about taking pictures.

mmm.  scrumptious, he is.

And well, I can't say I expected the tie to stay exactly in the place I put it.

That would just be silly.

Dimpled perfection.

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