
30 August 2008

Baby Baby Baby!

I didn't believe the nurse when she confirmed that yes, I was pregnant! In fact, I asked her three times if she was for real, then I couldn't stop crying. Finally!! God is faithful! Josh and I are so excited to be parents! I have been feeling sick for a good month. I thought it was my medicine, b/c it usually makes me sick for a couple weeks when I start taking it. But, since I had been feeling like this for a while, I decided maybe I should go to my family doctor and see what was up. I made the appointment, then I thought, I better take a pregnancy test, b/c I know the doctor is going to ask if I did that, so I might as well rule it out. After two years of disappointment, I had started doing everything I could to protect myself from that pain, so I just kept telling myself that there was no way I was pregnant, it just wasn't possible. I took 3 tests, and all were very faintly positive. I still didn't let myself believe that I could be pregnant. However I did cancel the appointment and made a new appointment with my "baby doctor". The doctor did a sonogram and said that everything looks perfect. I am 8 weeks, and he estimated my due date to be around April 6th. I am so full of joy and just ecstatic that this is happening! I want to thank everyone that has been praying for me (don't stop now!) b/c your encouragement and your prayers have really been a light during this time. Josh is so cute. He likes to pat my belly and tell me that he loves both of us. =) I just know he's going to be an awesome daddy! Oh, and the shirt I have on in the picture is one that he bought for me to wear while visiting family, to see if they would catch on. They didn't until I put the sonogram picture in the middle of the table, but oh well! =) We have had so much fun telling our family and friends the good news. Everyone is just so happy for us and there are usually a lot of happy tears that fall. I'm off to veg on the couch now b/c I am SO tired!!! =)


  1. What a pretty look VERY happy!!! Well, since you put the news on this blog...I'm assuming that it is OK for me to "flap-my-lips" said that you would let me know...BUT I haven't heard anything!!! I actually did tell someone today. I told Aunt Mary Beth!!! Much glad to be Grandma again!!xoxoxto you three!!!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Susan I'm very happy for you:) I will keep you, your husband, and your growing little one in my prayers! Melissa

  3. I love the flap my lips comment from your Mom! This is so exciting!!! We love you 3 and so grateful that God answered all of our prayers. This baby will be so much fun! Take good care of yourself and that new little creation! You definately have the glow : ) I am going to be a Grandma again! #7

  4. Congratulations Susan I am happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I can't get over how happy I am for you guys. I still get all choked up just thinking about it. Now I just wish we lived closer so I could talk to "Baby" more so he/she knows me, but I'm glad I at least had the chance this weekend. I am offering you our crib, mattress and changing table too if you want it :) Bring a UHaul next time you visit :)

  6. WOW! That's great news I'm very happy for you guys. Your aunt Mary Ann in Oregon.
