
08 September 2008

is it real?

Sometimes I still wonder if the doctor got it right. Maybe I should go to my family doctor and make sure I don't have a really long case of the flu? I guess it comes from wanting something for so long, then desensitizing myself to it so that it didn't hurt as much. I think I told myself it WASN'T going to happen so many times so that I could get myself used to the idea if it never did happen. I've done that my whole life. Expect things not to go the way you want, that way when they don't, you're not disappointed and if they do, well, you're pleasantly surprised. I can't say I've ever done that with anything this big before, though. Usually it was expect a low grade on a test I took or tell myself there's no way I would get what I really wanted for Christmas. I am looking forward to when I have more evidence of being pregnant than the uneasy feeling in my stomach!

Sometimes I try to figure God out (I don't know that I have EVER succeeded at this). I think, why now? Why not earlier? Why not later (thank God it's not later!)? I could go round and round with myself as to why God may have kept us from getting pregnant until now. I really don't know if I will ever know for sure. But, as much as I want everything to make sense and have purpose and order, sometimes God just doesn't give us that. He wants us to trust Him, and I think that if we knew the reason to everything, it would be easier not to do that. I am thankful. While I am hurling into a bucket or buying stock in Saltine crackers, I am thankful! He has truly given us the desire of our heart and while it's what I've wanted more than anything, I know I don't deserve it.


  1. Hey Susan! I'm so happy for you, but sorry that you've been sick. Try eating yogurt first thing in the morning, and don't let your stomach get empty - even when you don't feel like eating. Those two things worked pretty good for me. There's so much you have to look forward to!! : )

  2. I love the comic, it's so true!! I too didn't trust my first pregnancy test-I promptly made a DR.'s Appt. By my second pregnancy I knew I was with child before I even took the test. I guess that comes with experience:)

  3. not quite hurling....but definitely close most days, all day long. I understand. :) I feel your pain. My "bummer" news was going today for an ultrasound and them bumping my due date back two weeks (two more weeks of being sick?!?! NOOOOOO.....!!!) to April 14 so we're not due date buddies anymore. :( We shall see....sometimes I'm not really so convinced that "they" know what they're talking about as much as they think they do!! :) Give your belly a pat for you both! :)

  4. Hey Susan, I was sick the first few months too, which was miserable and happy all at the same time...such a weird combo! People kept telling me that being sick meant the pregnancy was real and going well! Not a whole lot of the common cures worked for me, although every once in a while "sea bands" (wrist bands for motion sickness from the pharmacy) helped a bit. It gets better after a while though! And once you can feel him/her moving in there (another weird but cool thing!), it's all worth it! Jenn (Sullivan) Pearson
