
05 June 2012

pinterest perusing

I can't believe it's been over half a year since I've posted on here.  Time flies when your life is packed to the gills with life changes!  The biggest of those changes being we've moved (not too far, just into a bigger place) and we are a mere 7 weeks from the estimated arrival of the fifth member of our family.  So with moving and trying to get settled and ready for this new little guy I haven't had much time for things like crafting, sewing, blogging, pinterest-ing.

Recently my little guy came down with a cold...and then shared it with me.  So yesterday him and I stayed home from church while JP and the girl went.  That being said, he went down for an early nap, and I got back into my regularly scheduled pinterest perusing program.  I still love it as much as I did months ago.  Here are some lovelies I've found lately...

Daisy has a white dresser that I've been wanting to put a splash of color on.  This one is a little too wild and definitely out of my skill level, but I like it anyway.

This one is VERY cute, and I think I could pull it off, but with different colors and maybe something other than a bunny although I'm not sure what yet.

I need a summer wreath, and this would be perfect!  I just LOVE gerber daisies.  With everything else that needs to get done we'll see if I actually pull this off before summer is over.  I love how she just used cardboard, hot glue, a hanger, and dollar store flowers!

When I tried to find the source for this one I kept getting the "item non-existent" message.  So whoever made this, kudos, I love it, but I can't find you!  This was posted under my "if I ever learn to crochet" category.  I'm thinking I'll do that with all the spare time I'm bound to have in a few months with my three kids ages 3 and under.  (Enter hysterical laughter here)

JP and I have been talking for months about doing a menu board.  We have yet to do it, or I should say I have yet to do it.  This one is by far my favorite.  She outlines all the reasons she loves it on her tutorial, and they are all the reasons I love it too.  This is at the top of my to do list.  You know, after getting the entire house settled from our move and getting ready for baby #3.

Since we are renting we can't plant anything in the ground around our townhouse, but we do have some big pots beside our door and I am trying my best to keep some flowers alive in some planter boxes on our steps.  What's the color that is opposite of green?  Whatever it is, that's the color of my thumb.  I have a very bad track record on keeping plants alive.  I think most of my problem is I just forget to water them.  I am hoping that will change since these plants are right outside our front door.  Anyway, I've said about twenty million times that I need to get a watering can and it's just one of those things that I haven't done yet.  Then, once again, pinterest helped me out.  I will be attempting this one very soon!

I have about 3 of these carts in various places, and I have been wanting to do this for a few months now (I think I've said that before...)

I LOVE this idea!  As soon as I can I will be making a few of these!  I love how easy it is to add people to it.  JP and I both come from bigger than average families and we just KEEP growing!  This is such a cute and helpful way to remember them all.

I really like this idea for a newborn photo.  I always do my own photo shoots with the kids.  They are never professional, but I have fun doing it and they are good enough for me since I can do that and avoid paying an astronomical cost for them.  I wonder if I can find a cool frame somewhere for really cheap?  I'm keeping my eyes open.  I have 7 weeks (give or take).

For the first time in my life, I have a laundry room!  A separate room in the house, dedicated solely to a washer and dryer and all things laundry.  No more laundry piles in the kitchen or dining room, no more trekking out to the garage or maneuvering two big baskets of dirty laundry down to the basement while very pregnant.  So in the last few weeks every time I walk in there I think, "what kind of decor do you put in the laundry room?"  I hadn't come up with anything yet when this beauty of an idea came through my pinterest feed.  I love pictures, and if they are pictures of my own little cuties I love them even more.  So this is just perfect.  Definitely a must do!

Such a genius, thrifty idea!  She uses old cereal boxes to make her own fabric bolts.  I already save all of our cereal boxes because I also use them for sending out pictures of the kids to family instead of paying more for actual photo envelopes.  We have a TON of cereal in our house though, so I will also be using it for this!

I found this on one of my favorite crafting blogs, Make It and Love It.  It came at just the right time.  Since moving our little girl seems to think that 6:30 am is an appropriate wake up time.  When it started getting earlier and earlier and one morning was 5:30 am, we decided some sort of action needed taken.  Currently she has a blanket hanging from her curtain rod, over her curtains.  This has helped immensely!  She's back to waking up between 7 and 7:30!  So...this is perfect for my to do list.

I will stop here.  I really could go on and on.  If you want to do some more pinterest perusing you can check out my boards HERE.  And now, I think I should go take care of the millions of baggies that have somehow made it from the drawer to all over my kitchen floor, thanks to a certain 17 month old....

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