
10 June 2012

thanks, pinterest!

We were not atrociously late for church this morning...AND...I had a little time to try out a new hairstyle on Daisy...
Linky Pigs
It was a hairstyle I found quite a while ago on Pinterest.  Sorry it's a little blurry.  I had to take the picture with my phone because I have lost my camera (boo!).  This is more like a variation of the original style because she does her knots a little I think her girl's hair is thinner than my Daisy's.  I still like how this turned out, though.  If you've got a little girl you want to try this on you can find directions HERE.  The only thing I did a little differently is I pulled the knots tight rather than keep them loose.  It's definitely a style we are adding to our little hair repertoire!

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