
15 February 2013

feed me!

Someone is cutting teeth around here!  And rolling, and sitting with help, and exploring a sippy cup, and now eating food!  When did this happen?  

I've started to get back into couponing and I love it.  Since I stay home with our three little loves, this is a way that I can help our little family financially by saving money.  

Did you know that this baby cereal stays good for a year?  I was given a box of the rice about a year ago, and even though I was only about 3ish months pregnant, I hung onto it knowing Tommy would be ready to eat it just a month before it expires.  These 3 boxes I got at WalMart with my coupons.  They were $1.50, so $4.50 for all three.  After coupons I paid $1.75.  That's a 61% savings!  Now little man is happy, and momma is too!

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