
14 February 2013


Who are these kids?  8.5 years ago my love and I made it official that we would be each other's valentine forever and ever.  I wanted to send a shout out to my man, so here is a little post I wrote up 5 years ago...

I love these self-portraits, b/c it reminds of that time that we shared that special moment, just us, not even the photographer. This is my love, my partner, my friend, my husband. I love you, Josh Canady!!

You are SO

and I am so thankful that you are

I am so grateful that the man who is

actually wanted to

To you I will ever

I love to hear your voice when you


You are the coolest


When we are not together, I

SOO much!!!

You and

are my true love, my very

Words can never express how much

Nothing makes me happier (not even ice cream) than to know that I will grow old with you, for as long as we are on this earth!!!

Like the Google couple:


Your PG

Wasn't that cute?  See, I can be creatively sweet when I want to be.  What?  Why didn't I write up a fresh new post for today instead of copy and paste one from five years ago?  Because this happened:

And while I don't love him any less, in fact I love him more, the fact remains: I ain't got time for that!  :)  Of course, in the time it took me to put this one together I probably could have had a new one typed up.  

Josh Canady, I have loved you from THIS:

to THIS:

And I have loved every fun, exciting, adventurous, CRAZY minute of it!  No one I would rather do life with more than you!  Happy Valentine's Day!

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